Please log on to continue.

STOP! Have you received TSC Service Desk Communications that you are enabled for Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

If you answered NO, then you are not yet deployed to MFA (this includes DCPP Citrix users). You will be notified when to enroll – continue to use until further notice.

If you answered YES, then it's time to STOP using and instead change your bookmark to If you try to access and are unable to sign in, you are not yet MFA enabled and should stay on for now. access is being retired in waves for users who are MFA enabled and ready for the change, so now's the time to switch! (NOTE: DCPP Citrix users and users of specific applications requiring RSA tokens will continue to use until further notice).

If you are unable to use your RSA token to access, please go to and use MFA to login before calling the TSC.
This system is for use by authorized users only.

Unauthorized use is subject to civil and criminal penalties and disciplinary action or termination.

Use of PG&E’s network and technology assets, including data, files, desktop computers, laptops, phones, tablets, software, printers, storage devices, and personal devices used for company business, must comply with local, state, and federal laws and regulations, all company policies and standards, and the PG&E Code of Conduct. Improper use of PG&E’s network and assets includes but is not limited to: (1) any activity in violation of company standard SEC-1001S, User Responsibilities; (2) Visiting websites or posting to social media sites in a manner not in line with PG&E’s values, policies, and standards; (3) Uploading, downloading, or emailing company files and data to personal accounts (including cloud accounts) and data storage devices without proper authorization; and (4) Traveling with assets to countries in violation of company policies and standards.

Users should have no expectation of privacy in their use of any aspect of this system. Use of this system, and all technology assets (such as computing hardware, phones, tablets, software, printers, and storage media) must comply with applicable laws, regulations, company security standards, and the Code of Conduct.

At any time for any lawful purpose, PG&E may monitor, intercept, record, audit, and search any communications or data transiting or stored on this information system. At PG&E’s sole discretion, for any lawful purpose and in compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations, PG&E may disclose pertinent information to the US government and its authorized representatives to protect the security of critical infrastructure and key resources, ensure information security, or to comply with applicable law, regulations, legal process, or enforceable government request.

By logging in, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree with these requirements. If you have questions about these requirements, please email or